CBX Winter Project II

When I start a new bike project I break the projects into 4 stages…

  • Get the bike running
    First thing is to work on what’s needed to get the bike running.
  • Get the bike riding
    Next work on what’s needed to make it safe to take out on the road.
  • Get the bike pretty
    After that, I concentrate on cosmetic parts and pieces.
  • Fix any other problems
    Lastly, fix any miscellaneous items that might have gone unnoticed or need attention.

To get the bike running, I need two items; 1) a new battery, and 2) complete rebuild of the carbs. I ordered up a new Yuasa YB18L-A battery on-line.

As for the carbs, I purchased Mike Nixon’s booklet several years ago. I’ve also ordered rebuild kits from Randakk’s along with new Air Tee’s. I also ordered genuine Keihin float valves from PJ Motorsports.

The carbs, having not been put away correctly, where pretty much a mess inside. Fortunately, they can be rebuilt. It’s good practice when working on a vintage motorbike, that you try to re-use the brass bits inside the carburetor. In most cases, these can be cleaned up and made as good as new.

There are around 300 pieces in a rack of 6 carburetors on a CBX. I would highly recommend Mike Nixon’s booklet on rebuilding CBX carbs if you decide to take on the job. It covers the job set by step and offers tips on the fiddly parts of the job.

With the rebuilt carbs and the new battery, the bike starts and runs great. The next step will be to get the brakes sorted and then take her for a ride!



