I had such high hopes for this year, but unfortunately health issues got the better of me.
We had a very mild winter and I got the year off to a good start with several nice rides locally. By the start of March however, cancer treatments were catching up with me and I quit my part-time job at Home Depot.
Thinking that not working would some how improve my stamina I got the CBX back on the road and had all 5 bikes running great.
I was hoping to take a trip to the Wheels Through Time museum in South Carolina before school let out for the summer, but it soon became clear that that wasn’t going to be possible.
Here are the totals for the year…
CB550 3162 miles, CBR250 616 miles, NC700X 1481miles, Seca Turbo 1420 miles, and the CBX 566 miles for a grand total of 7245 miles.

I shoot for 10000 miles each year and fell a bit short this year. I did have many nice rides and can’t really complain. I would have liked to rode some in southern Ohio, but didn’t think I had the strength for the trip.

That said, I’m hoping for better days in 2025!