Motorbike Journal

Category: Repair

  • New parts for the CBR250R

    New parts for the CBR250R

    Well the items I thought were going to be the first problem areas might not be problems at all, but after a couple weeks on the bike, I have found several other items that do need attention.

  • New riding season, new spark plugs

    New riding season, new spark plugs

    I managed to loose one of my original keys to the ’74 CB550 recently, but fortunately, a local locksmith had blanks and was able to cut me two new keys from my remaining original. I also broke down and installed new spark plugs.  The bike was still starting and running good, but it would miss…

  • Flat tire…..

    Flat tire…..

    Went for a ride last Tuesday, trying to get in some riding time before the weather turns here in central Ohio, and had a flat rear tire.  When I’m just riding around the home place, I don’t carry tire repair tools and such, so I got on the phone to AAA. I couldn’t find anything…

  • Third times a charm…..

    Third times a charm…..

    Still battling with the right fork seal.  Completely cleaned the lower fork tube with super fine steel wool this time around.  Cleaned up one of the original fork seals to re-use and it looks like it’s finally going to quit leaking. Almost put 2000 miles on the bike since the first ride back on May…

  • CB 550 Fork Seals

    CB 550 Fork Seals

    The right fork is leaking on the CB 550 so fork seal replacement is in order.  Rather than pay top dollar for oem Honda seals, I just ordered some generic 35mm x 48mm x 11mm seals from 4 into 1. The original boots are long gone from this bike and the dust seal boots that are…