Motorbike Journal

Category: Riding

  • More riding in 2023

    More riding in 2023

    The old guy I saw in the mirror the other day told me I’d better get to spending more time on the motorbikes while I still can. While my sister cringes at the thought, I believe riding is quite safe provided you take precautions like wearing a helmet and other protection gear. I’m not “all…

  • Some new gear

    Some new gear

    When I got the bike out of 29 years of storage last year, I just drug out my old riding gear.  As the new riding season is quickly approaching, I treated myself to some new stuff!

  • Experienced Rider Skills Training

    Experienced Rider Skills Training

    Labor Day 2018 saw me and 11 other bikers taking the Ohio Department of Public Safety BRS-2 (Experienced Rider Skills) training course. It was a very informative All-Day course, and at only $50, quite a bargain too! Highly recommended!  If your state offers such training,it’s well worth the effort to improve your skills, and course completion…

  • Almost a hood ornament…..

    Almost a hood ornament…..

    One the way home from a quick trip into town today, I had the bad luck of having the driver of a full sized pickup truck pull out of a side street right in front of me.  For a split second it looked like I was bound to end up a hood ornament for the…

  • First ride this year!

    First ride this year!

    Very nice day for Ohio in February…  almost 80 degrees and sunny. Changed the oil & filter, filled up with some fresh gasoline and off for some back-road touring of about 150 miles.  Felt really good to be back on the bike. Need to install new spark plugs as I have a slight miss around…

  • Flat tire…..

    Flat tire…..

    Went for a ride last Tuesday, trying to get in some riding time before the weather turns here in central Ohio, and had a flat rear tire.  When I’m just riding around the home place, I don’t carry tire repair tools and such, so I got on the phone to AAA. I couldn’t find anything…

  • Road Trip: McConnelsville

    Road Trip: McConnelsville

    Had a very enjoyable ride to McConnelsville and back today.  All in all, about 5 hours in the saddle.  No problems at all, and the bike ran great.  In fact, as the roads got more and more twisty, I think it was enjoying the workout!

  • 14K on Speedo

    14K on Speedo

    Just clocked 14K on the 550 tonight.  2203 miles in just over a month.  The bike is running great too!